Hi, I've just noticed that Mailman sends wrongly encoded German mails for admin approval of subscriptions that looks like this --- Ihre Genehmigung ist für den folgenden Abonnementswunsch erforderlich: Für: xxx@lrz.de Liste: yyy@lists.lrz.de Bitte besuchen Sie bei Gelegenheit https://lists.lrz.de/mailman/admindb/yyyy um diese Anfrage zu beantworten. --- The charset of the mail is UTF-8, and templates/de/subauth.txt is also UTF-8, but the text looks like the UTF-8 template has been parsed as ISO8859-1 and recoded into UTF-8 again. Recoding templates/de/subauth.txt to ISO8859-1 fixes the issue. We have a lot of different encodings even within the same language and filetype mailman/templates/de (1) % file * adminaddrchgack.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text admindbdetails.html: HTML document, ASCII text admindbpreamble.html: HTML document, ASCII text admindbsummary.html: HTML document, ASCII text adminsubscribeack.txt: ASCII text, with no line terminators adminunsubscribeack.txt: ASCII text admlogin.html: HTML document, ASCII text approve.txt: ISO-8859 text archidxentry.html: HTML document, ASCII text archidxfoot.html: HTML document, ASCII text archidxhead.html: HTML document, ASCII text archlistend.html: ASCII text archliststart.html: HTML document, ASCII text archtocentry.html: HTML document, ASCII text archtoc.html: HTML document, ASCII text archtocnombox.html: HTML document, ASCII text article.html: HTML document, ASCII text bounce.txt: ISO-8859 text checkdbs.txt: ISO-8859 text convert.txt: ISO-8859 text cronpass.txt: ISO-8859 text disabled.txt: ISO-8859 text emptyarchive.html: HTML document, ASCII text headfoot.html: HTML document, ASCII text help.txt: ISO-8859 text invite.txt: ISO-8859 text listinfo.html: HTML document, ASCII text masthead.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text newlist.txt: ISO-8859 text nomoretoday.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text options.html: HTML document, ASCII text postack.txt: ASCII text postauth.txt: ISO-8859 text postheld.txt: ISO-8859 text private.html: HTML document, ASCII text probe.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text refuse.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text roster.html: HTML document, ASCII text subauth.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text subscribeack.txt: ISO-8859 text subscribe.html: HTML document, ASCII text unsubauth.txt: ASCII text unsub.txt: ISO-8859 text userpass.txt: ISO-8859 text verify.txt: ISO-8859 text I don't quite get the code, but it looks like at least *.txt should be ISO8859-1 at the moment. Best Regards, Bernhard -- Bernhard Schmidt Netzbetrieb / IPv6 / DNSSEC Leibniz-Rechenzentrum Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Boltzmannstr. 1 D-85748 Garching b. Muenchen Tel: +49 89 35831-7885 E-Mail/Jabber: Bernhard.Schmidt@lrz.de