Clytie Siddall wrote:
The messages file for Vietnamese in Mailman 3.0 branch doesn't seem to have been updated: is this still the development branch?
Clytie, Unfortunately, there are problems with all the bazaar branches on Launchpad right now. The 2.1 branch is probably the only one with an up to date .pot, but it should be pretty static at this point. The 3.0 branch is missing some translations all together and the message catalogs are probably not up to date with the code. There is also development ongoing on the 2.2 branch, but the .pot is not currently up to date with the code. Also, some time ago, Tokio Kikuchi made a number of changes to incorporate the 'templates' into the message catalogs and to allow an installation to select which languages to support. I intend to backport these changes into 2.2, but it is not straight forward as there were several changes over time interspersed with unrelated changes, and I haven't gotten this done yet. I will try to make it a priority to get the changes in 2.2 and the .pot updated and merged with the catalogs. -- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan