Hi Mark, I've been in touch with the Polish Language maintainer (Stefan Plewako) regarding the non-ascii characters that I am seeing. In the language template files for Polish (Mailman 2.1.23) I see that the non-ascii characters (letters with diacritics) are replaced with question marks. These question marks get displayed in the Mailman web pages for lists using Polish. Stefan directed me to GitHub for the Polish language files and in those I files I can see the Polish letters okay. (letters with diacritics) I loaded Stefan's files into Mailman (replacing the existing) and all is now well. I was surprised as I was thinking that the non-ascii characters would need to be replaced with HTML entities - as you had done for the Hungarian files a couple of months ago. Stefan had advised me that doing that shouldn't be needed, and it seems he might be correct. Is there a mismatch with the language files that got shipped in the Mailman language files and Stefan's files on GitHub - or am I just barking up the wrong tree? I'm seeing the same issue for other languages, and I'm happy to chase down files for those if that is what is needed (assuming they have been created). Czech Greek Estonia Finnish Croation --Hungarian-- (discussed) Japanese Korean Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Slovenian Turkish I have close to zero understanding of the subject of character sets, but I include this reference below in case it has any bearing on things. https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-i18n/2015-February/001854.html Regards, Mark Dale ***** SNIP from Stefan's GitHub files ***** <td colspan="2"> Wiadomości do wszystkich prenumeratorów listy wysyłaj na adres: <A HREF="mailto:<MM-Posting-Addr>"><MM-Posting-Addr></A>. <p>Możesz zapisać się na listę lub zmienić opcje prenumeraty korzystając z poniższych sekcji. </td> ***** SNIP from mailman-2.1.23/templates/pl/listinfo.html ***** <td colspan="2"> Wiadomo�ci do wszystkich prenumeratorów listy wysy�aj na adres: <A HREF="mailto:<MM-Posting-Addr>"><MM-Posting-Addr></A>. <p>Mo�esz zapisa� si� na list� lub zmieni� opcje prenumeraty korzystaj�c z poni�szych sekcji. </td> ========================================