Hi Simone, Simone Piunno wrote:
"Your confirmation is required to %(verb)s the %(listname)s mailing list"
In MailList.py, where verb can be join or leave. Unfortunately, in italian this is very hard to translate correctly, because it should be:
join: È richiesta la tua conferma per ISCRIVERTI ALLA lista %(listname)s leave: È richiesta la tua conferma per LASCIARE LA lista %(listname)s
Not just the verb, what follows changes too.
Well, I feared that, too. Thanks for your patch but while I was integrating your patch, I also realized the subject should be MIME encoded. It will take my weekend spare time to fix this because I have three classes on Friday and today. -- Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi@ is.kochi-u.ac.jp http://weather.is.kochi-u.ac.jp/