I have a list with private_roster set to "admin only" (I do not know the internal sintax). But the listinfo shows many errors, you can see at http://www.espaciolibre.net/cgi-bin/listinfo/uylug-noticias and in the attached html file. The problem is just in the text "This is a XX...XXX shadow list" for this reason I underestand that this is a problema of the Spanish translation. -- ____________________________________________________ -=(( Rodolfo Pilas - rodolfo@linux.org.uy ))=- -==((( Are you ready for XtraLinuX - http://xtralinux.org )))==- -=((____________________________________________________))=- Guarde sus mail en Echelon: OLP, Greenpeace, ETA, Hamas, Hizbullah, FMI Public GnuPG key: http://www.keyserver.net 1024D/57153363 2001-06-02 key fingerprint = DAAE 3246 3F7D A420 B7A0 48A5 D120 C773 5715 3363
participants (1)
Rodolfo Pilas