I'm cunning the recent 1.0 release of Mailman, on a RH6.0 system.
Hopefully I didn't miss this in any of the docs, but can someone tell
me why there is such a long delay on mails sent to the list, and how
this can be configured for immediate delivery?
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I'm running Mailman v 1.0rc1 on a SUSE 5.3 Linux system. Once I have
downloaded and g-unzipped the distribution file, what steps need to be
performed to upgrade to Mailman v 1.0rc3?
Jim McKay
I am using mailman to run about 8 software product support lists and some
product release notification lists.
(the notification lists are one way, only I am able to post without
My question is this:
As I have lots of Internet newbies (it seems) subscribing to these lists),
there is way too much list mail of the "How do I unsubscribe" variety.
Which script/file should I edit to add something to the bottom of each and
every mailman processed email that tells folks where to go to …
[View More]begin the
unsubscription process? It seems that it's not enough to have the web
address of the list info page on each message.
Thanks for any advice.
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