
September 1999

  • 98 participants
  • 130 discussions
Mailman and accents
by Sept. 9, 1999

Sept. 9, 1999
the patch Barry sent me...
by Joshua S. Freeman Sept. 9, 1999

Sept. 9, 1999
mailman 1.0 problems
by Trevor Clarke Sept. 9, 1999

Sept. 9, 1999
Mailman, exim and QP encoding
by Pekko Piirola Sept. 8, 1999

Sept. 8, 1999
Read Only list
by Bradley Glonka Sept. 8, 1999

Sept. 8, 1999
Y2K Compliance
by Jonh Wendell Sept. 8, 1999

Sept. 8, 1999
approval of subscription
by Michelle Craft Sept. 8, 1999

Sept. 8, 1999
Error 554
by Sept. 8, 1999

Sept. 8, 1999

Sept. 7, 1999

Sept. 7, 1999