
February 2000

  • 153 participants
  • 199 discussions
problems with install
by Jeremy Weathers Feb. 26, 2000

Feb. 26, 2000
news <-> list weirdness
by A Iqbal Santyaswardan Feb. 26, 2000

Feb. 26, 2000
Re: [Mailman-Users] Adding bounce filters
by J C Lawrence Feb. 25, 2000

Feb. 25, 2000
answer_majordomo script
by Scott Russell Feb. 25, 2000

Feb. 25, 2000
accents in subjects
by Fil Feb. 25, 2000

Feb. 25, 2000
Re: [Mailman-Users] accents in subjects
by Nigel Metheringham Feb. 25, 2000

Feb. 25, 2000
Adding bounce filters
by Scott Russell Feb. 25, 2000

Feb. 25, 2000

Feb. 25, 2000
Postfix and Mailman
by Ralf Hildebrandt Feb. 25, 2000

Feb. 25, 2000
File Permissions
by Frank Martini Feb. 24, 2000

Feb. 24, 2000