I am trying to build a list that is inclusive of
serval sub lists but that have subscriber only posting
restrictions. That is a list TOP with subscribers
SUB1m SUB2m etc. The SUBn lists have indiviual
subscribers and I want them to be able to send to
their SUBn list as well as TOP to send to all the SUBn
lists. For security and privacy I want subscriber
only postings.
Any suggestions? Is this possibility? I have tried
numerous combinations of adding
accept_these_nonmembers, …
[View More]anonymous_list and
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I incorrectly set up my newsletter. Instead of being announce only it
allowed 400 people to reply to all. shortly there after people emails were filled
with hundred of "please stop sending me email". If no one had replied
there'd be no mess, but that's the funny part. The not funny part is I might get
fired over this. its has been three day and the emails wont stop. We
removed the database, we stopped using mail man, and we prayed a little that it
would fade. However it hasn'…
[View More]t yet.
I now know how to set it up as announce only. I even know how to put my
database on with out sending out a thank you for subscribing mail. How do I
stop the continuing replies?
Sorry to bother you about this, it was my own ignorance that put me here,
but I was hoping that you might be able to suggest sometihng to get me out.
Jo Vasquez
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I am currently looking for a system that we can dump thousands of emails
into. We will need to be able to send an email out to all of our subscribers
from an alias email (that will be attached to a blog site). We need to have
unsubscribe option (preferable the htlm so we can use on our current site)
and a subscribe option that we can up on our blog site. We need to be able
to have different lists. How many people can we have on one list? We also
want a web based software.
Let me know if you …
[View More]can help me. This is very time sensitive to a quick
response would be appreciated. I find phone calls best.
Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you!
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