Well it was a new install, but there was an old not used version pressent. i installed python 2.3.3 looking at ps -aux i see this:
mailman 28884 0.1 0.9 5964 4792 ? S 22:55 0:00
python2.3 /home/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s start
mailman 28885 2.8 0.8 5736 4600 ? S 22:55
0:00 /usr/local/bin/python2.3 /home/mailman/bin/qrunner --
runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s
mailman 28886 3.0 0.8 5748 4612 ? S 22:55
0:00 /usr/local/bin/python2.3 /home/mailman/bin/qrunner --
runner=BounceRunner:0:1 -s
mailman 28887 2.8 0.8 5740 4596 ? S 22:55
0:00 /usr/local/bin/python2.3 /home/mailman/bin/qrunner --
runner=CommandRunner:0:1 -s
mailman 28888 2.8 0.8 5744 4600 ? S 22:55
0:00 /usr/local/bin/python2.3 /home/mailman/bin/qrunner --
runner=IncomingRunner:0:1 -s
mailman 28889 3.1 0.8 5752 4636 ? S 22:55
0:00 /usr/local/bin/python2.3 /home/mailman/bin/qrunner --
runner=NewsRunner:0:1 -s
mailman 28890 2.9 0.9 5764 4668 ? S 22:55
0:00 /usr/local/bin/python2.3 /home/mailman/bin/qrunner --
runner=OutgoingRunner:0:1 -s
mailman 28891 2.9 0.8 5744 4600 ? S 22:55
0:00 /usr/local/bin/python2.3 /home/mailman/bin/qrunner --
runner=VirginRunner:0:1 -s
mailman 28892 3.3 0.8 5736 4600 ? S 22:55
0:00 /usr/local/bin/python2.3 /home/mailman/bin/qrunner --
runner=RetryRunner:0:1 -s
only thing i changed was when starting mailmanctl it looked for qrunner but he didnt find it so i put t there fronm the install files.
thanxs steffan.
Hello did a new install of mailman 2.1.4 now cron gives this error
File "/home/mailman/cron/qrunner", line 96 print >> fd, _(__doc__) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
any idees
what version of python are you running? the README says
MM 2.1.x normally operates its qrunners as daemons, unlike MM 2.0.x which used a cron executed qrunner.
You appear to have a cron based qrunner yet say you are running a newly installed MM 2.1.4.
Did you install this over an earlier MM 2.0.x install and if so did you remove the old crontab before installing the one for the newer release?