On 8/14/2014 12:47 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 08/14/2014 12:07 PM, Chris Miller wrote:
On 8/14/2014 11:37 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
To run fix_url in a multiple virtual hosts environment, you must run it separately for each list with the appropriate -u option, e.g.,
bin/withlist -l -r fix_url customer_listname -u list.customerdomain.com
We did do this after I sent the original email. Unfortunately it is not changing the web_page_url in the configuration.
What is the output from the above command?
'host_name': 'lists.customer.com',
'web_page_url': 'http://lists.ourcompany.com/mailman/',
bin/dumpdb lists/hostname/listname/config.pck
and look for web_page_url and host_name.
The host name is correct, but the web_page_url is wrong.
Also the path we have is different than above, specifically missing a hostname directory i.e. :
The vhost branch at <https://code.launchpad.net/~msapiro/mailman/vhost> creates virtual host lists with a structure of lists/hostname/listname. How did you create the list(s)?
We originally used the vhost patched 2.1.14 from the same repository that you maintain. I believe in that version the command line with_url option was broken, but setting these up in the Mailman GUI did the right thing in terms of setting the hostnames.
All lists were created prior to this upgrade. Looking at the tar archive of the previous installation, the /var/lib/mailman/lists directory did not contain one directory per list. Either things got moved around by "make install" or for reasons unclear to me those directories did not get backed up.
Is this simply a matter of creating the hostname directories, moving the lists into the right hostname directories, and re-running fix_url?
Regards, Chris
Chris Miller President - Rocket Scientist ScratchSpace Inc. (831) 621-7928 http://www.scratchspace.com