Hi guys, So I just recently purchased a mailman 2.1.39 hosted list from mailmanlists.org. I'm trying to start a mailing list for my gliding club where most of the membership is not terribly technologically literate (fortunately I am) and not big on reading directions, so I'm trying to keep it as simple and as least error-prone as possible for our club members. I have ran into 2 problems that could potentially cause a member to think he's sending an e-mail to the list, but actually isn't.
Problem #1: One of my friends (who isn't tech savvy and doesn't read directions) was my guinea pig and successfully joined. The problem is he tried to send his first e-mail to the list by simply replying to the welcome e-mail, so he e-mailed my-list-request@mailmanlists.org and not my-list@mailmanlists.org. Wouldn't surprise me if others do the same thing. Is there any option to change the address the welcome e-mail comes from? Is there any other good ways to mitigate this problem?
The other has to do with the replying and the "nodupes" feature. So first, I am trying to keep the list as collaborative as possible and have people replying to messages to the whole list and not to the original sender. first_strip_reply_to is on, reply_goes_to_list is set to "This list" and from_is_list is set to "Munge From". So here's the scenario about how an e-mail that should have gone to the list actually just went to an individual user: 1) Bob sends an e-mail to the list. 2) Steve replies all (not just reply) to this e-mail. This sends it both to my-lists@mailmanlists.org and bob@bobs-domain.com. 3) The "nodupes" flag on Bob's account realizes Bob will get the e-mail directly when Steve e-mailed bob@bobs-domain.com as part of the reply and the other part of the reply to my-list@mailmanlists.org is stripped away (at least for Bob) so that Bob doesn't get the reply twice. 4) Now Bob hits reply (not reply all) to the reply e-mail, but since the reply e-mail he received was sent directly to bob@bobs-domain.com and not the reply e-mail that went through my-lists@mailmanlists.org the reply address is steve@steves-domain.com, not my-list@mailmanlists.org. 5) The reply to the reply is now just addressed to Steve, not the whole list! I couldn't find any combination of first_strip_reply_to, reply_goes_to_list and from_is_list to make this problem go away and keep everyone on the list regardless of reply or reply all. The anonymous_list option solves it, but then it strips the original sender's name (not just their e-mail address) and I don't want that. Keeping "Bob via my-list (my-list@mailmanlists.org)" without bob@bobs-domain.com in the Cc, From fields or anywhere else would be ideal, but I can't figure out how to make that happen. Anybody have any ideas?
Thanks! Omri