Hi All,
I am a list administrator for a number of mailing lists hosted on lists.sonic.net. The folks at sonic are great, except they really don't fully understand Mailman, so I am hoping to get a few of my issues resolved here.
All my lists are pretty standard (aka, I don't need any help for them), except for one. One of the lists was recently migrated from Autoshare (finally got to say goodbye to Mac OS 9, the only OS Autoshare runs on). There are certain features of Autoshare that are awesome, but I cannot figure out how to configure Mailman to support these features.
In a nutshell, this list is a combination announcement list and tech support list, and the list contributions are modified by the list administrator on a regular basis (either to remove excessive text from previous posts, add signatures, remove profane or rude language, and/or remove sensitive data that is commonly posted in error on our list). The way it worked on Autoshare, and they way I want it to work on Mailman, is like this:
All posts go directly to the moderator (not the mailman "list moderator", because that puts a bunch of extraneous pre-text in the email that I don't want to have to wade through on every post). Upon acceptance of the post, modified or not, I then redirect the post to the actual mailing list. Redirect means the "TO:" header remains in tact as the original poster, and the moderator email is the "envelope" sender. Autoshare recognized the envelope sender and passed the post through to the list immediately.
I have been unable to recreate this configuration on Mailman, but I'm hoping that there is a way to do it. I have successfully set up the list such that the Reply-To goes to the moderator. This sends the post, in tact, with no extraneous pre-text, directly to the moderator. The problems I'm having are as follows:
The reply-to does not seem to work for digest members. Digest members are reporting that the reply-to of the digests goes to the list (which then creates the moderator email text before sending to the moderator). How do I get the reply-to for digest members to work the same as non-digest?
For members whose email clients use buttons based upon email headers - specifically, list-id - they click on Reply to List and it goes to the wrong place. I would either like to change the list-id value, or remove it entirely. Is there a way to do that?
When I redirect the modified/approved post to the list, I want the TO field to maintain the original poster's email, and the moderator's email will be the envelope sender. I would like the Mailman list to recognize the envelope sender to authorize immediate distribution of the post. Currently, however, it holds the post for moderator approval. Is there a way to do this?
Lastly, the web archives created by Autoshare automatically created clickable HTML links for all HTML URL's in posts. The Mailman archives are all unclickable plain text URL's. Note, I want the list to remain a plain text list, as it was on Autoshare, but I'd still like Mailman to build HTML code to make the links active in the web archive. Is there a way to do this?
I really appreciate any help in this matter.
Bill C.