26.08.11, 00:03, "Mark Sapiro" <mark@msapiro.net>:
| NIKKurer wrote: || But coming on http://newbie.domain.com/mailman I get to http://rabbit.domain.com/mailman/listinfo || || Could you help me resolve this problem? | Look at your web server's configuration file(s). You probably have | something like | | RedirectMatch ^/mailman[/]*$ http://rabbit.domain.com/mailman/listinfo | | This should be | | RedirectMatch ^/mailman[/]*$ /mailman/listinfo | | instead. |
Thanks for your answer Mark. You were right, there was such string /etc/httpd/conf/confs/mailman.conf:RedirectMatch ^/mailman[/]*$ http://rabbit.domain.com/mailman/listinfo I'm sorry, for so stupid question :-[
P.S.: I found more detailed guide on migration mailman to new server: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/567 It helps me to solve another problem with that migration.