On Jun 30, 2004, at 3:18 PM, Tracey McCartney wrote:
I am the admin and one of three mods for an announce-only list. Is there an e-mail command I can use to set everyone on the list to NOMAIL temporarily so that I can then turn mail back on for a few people in order to do some testing? The list has about 435 subscribers, and using the web interface to set everyone's mail bit will get a little tedious.
You can use withlist to do it. Let's say the list is named 'testlist':
# ./withlist -i -l testlist Loading list testlist (locked) The variable `m' is the testlist MailList instance
for member in m.getDeliveryStatusMembers((MailList.MemberAdaptor.ENABLED,)): ... m.setDeliveryStatus(member,MailList.MemberAdaptor.BYADMIN) ... m.Save()
Unlocking (but not saving) list: testlist