OK Brian, so your answers to my questions are:
"I have a profit motive to encourage MM3 adoption" ... and ... "I'm baffled that all the people on the Mailman *2* discussion list are not scrambling to adopt MM3"
Have I got that about right?
For the record, I have enjoyed exemplary support from all three of my "cheap budget hosts" whenever I've had an issue. And yes, one of them is A2.
I will sign off of this thread by pointing out that your first contribution to it was a reply to my posting supporting Jim's generous offer to help support the MM2 community, in which you stridently attempted to convince us to convert over to MM3 instead.
Respectfully, we decline.
On 8/26/2020 11:17 PM, Brian Carpenter wrote:
On 8/26/20 10:29 PM, Chip Davis wrote:
What I don't understand is your vitriolic objection to Jim's offer. How is that any skin off your nose? Do you see this as a zero-sum game in which every MM2 instance that doesn't "upgrade" is a threat to MM3? If it's as superior as you claim, there should be a thunderous stampede to adopt MM3. The bazaar will speak eloquently. What, exactly, is the cock you have in this pit?
Bottom Line: As long as there are inexpensive cPanel hosts running Mailman 2, *I have no choice*. So I greatly appreciate Jim's offer to pick up the burden and allow Mark to move on.
I watched for years how cheap budget hosts provided crap support for the software that they hosted. I watched Mark for years take on that extra burden of making up for their crap support because of it via the old MM2 user list.
I am sure Mark has moved on from Mailman 2, at least he has said that on numerous occasions. It is you folks that won't let him. You want to keep using MM2 and you want the developers to keep supporting it. That pressure can/does hinder the work on Mailman 3.
I really did not like Jim's comment and that set me off:
"I hate to say this, but I'm sensing an exclusivity in your and Mark's comments. Is Mailman a open source project or is it an exclusive club?"
I really don't like your comments either towards me in the quote above and the way you mis-represented Mailman 3 in your reply to Odhiambo. I offer shared and dedicated environments for Mailman 3 and none of my clients have to worry about the complexities of Mailman 3 at all. I didn't like the way Carl quoted an old piece of information and when he was corrected, proceeded to dig in his heels. I didn't like a lurker who never posted to any Mailman list before, suddenly come out of the woodwork to mock me on the use of "long life"
By the way there is always a choice. I have been offering Mailman 3 shared list hosting for almost 2 years now. It's that few extra dollars a month that is a budget breakers for cheap host users. Oh well.
I know now that none of you have any intention of using or supporting Mailman 3. My pro MM3 comments have been mocked, ignored, and discarded. Ok. Fine. I think none of you has shown any respect or appreciation in the work that has been done to propel the Mailman project into the modern web development world. That shows that all you really care about is your wallets and how much you may have to work to move your lists to a Mailman 3 environment. This isn't about Mailman at all. It's about how can have a mailing list and stay using a cheap budget host. For Jim? Well I don't really care why he doesn't use Mailman 3. I think his claims about wanting to support Mailman is a joke. If he really wanted to support the Mailman project, then he would throw his weight behind Mailman 3.