March 2, 2001
7:16 a.m.
"JT" == James Thompson <jamest@math.ksu.edu> writes:
JT> For what it's worth. The Approve.py handler in mailman does
JT> seem to check for the Approved: header and will compare it's
JT> value to the mail list admin password. It looks like this
JT> should work fine from what I've found in the source. However,
JT> it doesn't seem to.
JT> Is there any way to make mailman produce some type of
JT> debugging output?
James, did you ever get more information about this problem? Mailman definitely supports Approved: headers and it works fine for me testing against MM2.0.1 and the current CVS snapshot.
From your original message though, it seems like you're asking about adding Approved: to the first line of the /body/ of the message instead of the headers. No, Mailman does not support that.