Are you saying that you create a new list and it creates a directory at path/to/lists/new_list_name/ containing amomg other files, a config.pck file, and that you have some path/to/lists/old_list_name/ directories with config.pck files, and the new_list_name is listed by bin/list_lists, but the old_list_name is not?
Presumably you actually ran
withlist -l -r fix_url list-name
Yes, I ran it with the fix_url argument. Sorry I left that out of my post.
All of the above say there is not a lists/list-name/config.pck file in the place mailman is looking for it.
They all seem to be there just fine... mailman just doesn't want to read them. Is there something special that I need to do since they're from an old version? Each lists/list-name folder has config.pck, config.pck.last, and request.db in it. Some also have a digest.mbox file.
Thanks for the reply!