Thanks. :)
We use google groups for this list, but i wanted to keep these members also in a mailman list and to manage the members status in this list. Which user is disabled, which user is active and so on.
This is why i want to limit mailman to not send any messages to these members.
On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 11:44 +0100, Adam McGreggor wrote:
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 09:45:52AM +0300, wrote:
i created a list, but i want to configure mailman to not sent any messages to members of this list. I want to use this list as a backup list where to keep all my members.
A curious case: I'd be interested to know why you feel you need a "backup" this way? Why not just backup the list config (including subscription members) & archive (if applicable).
The members must not able to send messages and also mailman must not send messages to them.
set everyone to moderated, disable posts from non-listmembers, hope for the best ;) (these are in the FAQ, handles the first part)