I asked:
Does anyone have a crib sheet about converting a majordomo site to a mailman (2.0) site? ...
Thanks to Ben Lutgens and Joe Morris for their helpful replies.
My notes on *exactly* what to do and a script that does most of the work are below.
PS: If any of you are interested in the *systematic* exchange of this kind of sysadmin info, consider tuning in to the Arusha Project (http://ark.sourceforge.net).
==== notes ============================================
Switching a list from Majordomo to Mailman
To convert a Majordomo list to a Mailman list, say the wibble list:
Remove the wibble majordomo aliases from sendmail-land; and incorporate...
% sudo newaliases
Create a new wibble mailman list, something like:
% sudo -u mailman bin/newlist --quiet --output=mm-aliases wibble sysadmin-mailing-list-keeper@mekb2.sps.mot.com <passwd>
Note: as you do this several times, new sendmail aliases will pile up in mm-aliases.
Copy the old archives into their new home; the majordomo archives should be cat'd together into one big lovely mbox. E.g., as root, run the following script:
#!/bin/sh -x set -e outf=/user/mailman/archives/private/wibble.mbox/wibble.mbox [ -f $outf ] || touch $outf for i in /user/majordom/archives/wibble/wibble.archive.[1-9]???
/user/majordom/archives/wibble/wibble.archive.0??? ; do cat $i >> $outf echo '' >> $outf done chown mailman:mailman $outf chmod 664 $outfMunge the mbox:
% sudo -u mailman bin/arch wibble
Add the old (majordomo) membership list to the new list; this invocation seems to do it:
--welcome-msg=no --notifyadmin=no
--file /user/majordom/lists/wibble wibbleAdd a -n if you want to do a "dry run"...
Make any needed adjustments to the list's settings.
Add the mailman aliases (from mmaliases?) for the new list into the sendmail world; then incorporate: sudo newaliases.
==== script ===========================================
#! /bin/sh -x
# this is **NOT** all of what must be done to move a list # from majordomo to mailman, but it is the heavy lifting.
#set -e # paranoia makes a mess, actually...
listname=$1 listpasswd=$2
if [ -z "$listname" ] ; then echo no list name given 2>&1 exit 1 fi
if [ -z "$listpasswd" ] ; then echo no list password given 2>&1 exit 1 fi
KEEPER='sysadmin-mailing-list-keeper@mekb2.sps.mot.com' MAILMAN=/user/mailman MAJORDOMO=/user/majordom
bin/newlist --quiet --output=mm-aliases $listname $KEEPER $listpasswd
/bin/rm -f $outf
[ -f $outf ] || touch $outf
for i in $MAJORDOMO/archives/$listname/$listname.archive.[1-9]???
$MAJORDOMO/archives/$listname/$listname.archive.0??? ; do
cat $i >> $outf
echo '' >> $outf
chown mailman:mailman $outf
chmod 664 $outf
bin/arch $listname
exec bin/sync_members
--welcome-msg=no --notifyadmin=no
--file $MAJORDOMO/lists/$listname $1
# the end