March 16, 1999
12:37 p.m.
I'm currently using MailMan with Postfix and I noticed some
'missing' features (or maybe my fault :P).
Those are: Disable sorting of recipients when injecting
the messages. This will help using less
memory when using MTAs like Postfix or QMail.
Disable or hardlimit (globally) the number
of concurrent SMTP connections that MailMan
will open to inject the messages. This will
be helpfull to let a user maintain it's our
list without hogging the system down. (You
know... Stupid users who set this to like
Are these implemented? Sorry if it's already. :P
Edgard Castro <> | 305-273-5003 -o) Chief Network Engineer - U.S. Matrix Internet, Inc. /\\ Linux Counter User #29078 -- _\_V