On Wednesday 27 April 2005 05:33 pm, Gabriel Goaga wrote:
I have a mailman at this address: http://mail.terramiaristorante.com/mailman/listinfo/emaillist_terramiaristo rante.com<http://mail.terramiaristorante.com/mailman/listinfo/emaillist_terr amiaristorante.com> it used to work properly but now I tried to send a news letter to the list (emaillist@terramiaristorante<mailto:emaillist@terramiaristorante>) but I did not received anything back like an approval message with a link which used to lead me back to the list and approve the message. please give me some help, what can be wrong???? What do the logs say?
-- Larry Rosenman http://www.lerctr.org/~ler Phone: +1 214-351-4152 E-Mail: ler@lerctr.org US Mail: 3535 Gaspar Drive, Dallas, TX 75220-3611