hk wrote:
I'm getting ready to move a large (800+ member) unmoderated list that's existed on L-soft to a mailman list.
800 is not very big as Mailman lists go.
Never had to deal with "junk" subscriptions before with this list. Any suggestions on how to not have to deal with them in Mailman? Below is a message from this morning from another list I've managed.... [...] Pending subscriptions: (zkcpikpv) Wed Apr 3 13:55:05 2013 (lyiawz) Wed Apr 3 16:00:36 2013
I'm guessing that this list's Privacy options... -> Subscription rules -> subscribe_policy is Require approval. If so, and if you set it to Confirm and approve, it will probably stop most of this.
Confirm and approve means that first the subscriber must respond to a confirmation email before the request goes to an admin for approval. While this does introduce potential backscatter, I suspect those addresses aren't deliverable anyway. If so, the confirmation requests will just expire without your ever being aware of them.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan