On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 10:28:07 +0100, Paul Reilly scribbled down:
How did you close the list to posts? This seems may more complicated than it needs to be. I have to turn everyones moderation bit on, under membership management. Surely there should be a simple "open" "closed" radio check button under Sender Filters.....
Also how do you turn off the "Create new List" via webpage ? You can't as far as I can see. Mailman is suffering from feature bloat, and is no longer suitable to many deployments.
There is also an extremely detailed account of how to do this under Mailman on the FAQ. Which had the OP read, he would have needed to post frequently answered questions to this mailing list.
Mailman is not suffering from 'feature bloat', if you don't like it - *use* *something* *else*. It's called choice. Go away and exercise it. The tone of your message is rude and unnecessary in the extreme. Did you even think about expressing your 'opinions' on the MLM3 mailing list? Obviously not!
I run an announcements only list and find Mailman to be a breath of fresh air to use. If you don't, find another MLM to use, or code your own, and stop flaming Mailman.
Oh, and typically it's best to quote the relevant bits of text from the post you are replying to with a character such as >, |, etc. it makes it easier for everyone else to read.
- -jamie <jamie@silverdream.org> | spamtrap: spam@silverdream.org w: http://www.silverdream.org | p: sms@silverdream.org pgp key @ http://silverdream.org/~jps/pub.key 22:30:01 up 1 day, 7:39, 12 users, load average: 2.11, 2.32, 2.55
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