Hi everybody,
I am using mailman 2.1.10 and I think this is really a godsent application, stable and reliable.
I am experiencing a problem though and I am not sure if it has to do with the mail server or if it a mailman bug. I cannot remember exactly when it started, so it is difficult to determine the cause.
In all the mailing lists I am running if somebody sends the mail with an attachment, the mail disappears. It is not rejected nor bounced, it seems like it went thru but nothing happens.
If I sent a mail w/attachment from a NOTregistered mail, I receive the bounce message (both user and admin) and the mail is there, waiting for approval with its attachment. Once I approve the mail/new user, the mail disappears. It does not even leave track in the progressive numbering in the subject. Desaparecido.
I tried to:
- to disable the content filtering (yes, I always kept it disabled)
- enable the filtering but erase all file extensions
- set maximum mail size to 0
- set maximum mail size to 50000 (attachment was 30K)
Still no luck...
Mails without attachments are just fine.
I would appreciate any advice!!! thanks in advance//