On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> wrote:
On 10/07/2014 06:02 AM, Peter Wetz wrote:
UPDATE: lynx was missing on the machine mailman was running on. since i don't have root access (or at least i could not find out on my own, if lynx is running), it was quite hard for me to figure that one out. just after i read that some others on this list had problems with "blank messages in the archive after conversion of html to plain-text mails", i think this was something worth to investigate.
If you have access to Mailman's logs, you would see errors about this in Mailman's 'error' log.
that's good to know. however, in my case, this would not have been possible.
so now that lynx is installed and running, the html-to-plain-text
conversion works.
N.B. I use elinks by setting
HTML_TO_PLAIN_TEXT_COMMAND = '/usr/bin/elinks -dump %(filename)s'
in mm_cfg.py. I like the plain text conversion a bit better.
one final question: since this requires content filtering to be turned on, i basically have to whitelist all mime-types i want to let through. is that right?
It depends what you want to do. If you want to pass everything and just do the html to plaintext conversion, you can set all 4 of filter_mime_types, pass_mime_types, filter_filename_extensions and pass_filename_extensions empty. Then nothing will be removed based on MIME type or filename extension.
Otherwise, you can either blacklist or whitelist using filter_mime_types or pass_mime_types respectively. The filters are applied in the following order.
If filter_mime_types is non-empty, any part with MIME type in filter_mime_types is removed. Then, if pass_mime_types is non-empty, any part with MIME type NOT in pass_mime_types is removed. Then the filename_extensions tests are applied in the same order to parts that have an associated filename.
Note also that entries in *_mime_types can be either 'maintype' or 'maintype/subtype' (as in e.g., 'image' or 'image/jpeg'). If it is just 'maintype' it will match all parts with that maintype regardless of subtype.
thanks for detailed explanation. makes perfect sense.