I have about 100 mailing lists all using the domain name tunedinweb.com. All the commands to subscribe, etc, come to something@tunedinweb.com which come to my server and are processed by mailman.
But I also have real email boxes @tunedinweb.com. Those are hosted off my server. So in order to make both mailman and my email work I have postfix configured with tunedinweb.com listed in the mydomains file, but have setup a transport file to tell postfix to redirect any email for something@tunedinweb.com to the server where that email is hosted. With lines in transport that look like this:
steve@tunedinweb.com smtp:mx.emailsrvr.com
stevew@tunedinweb.com smtp:mx.emailsrvr.com
This is all working fine.
The issue is that my email address steve@tunedinweb.com is also a member of several mailing lists. When mailman tries to send to steve@tunedinweb.com I see this error message in the postfix log /var/log/maillog:
Jun 6 17:02:08 166941-web1 postfix/smtpd[25836]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]: 550 5.1.1 <steve@tunedinweb.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<tunedin-temp-bounces+steve=tunedinweb.com@tunedinweb.com> to=<steve@tunedinweb.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<166941-web1.tunedinweb.com>
So it seems that mailman is not respecting the /etc/postfix transport file settings. I want mailman to send mail for those addresses specified in the transport file to the server where that email is hosted.
I must be missing something. Can someone explain what is going wrong.
Thanks again for your help.
Steve Wehr
Tunedin Web Design <http://www.tunedinweb.com/>