March 1, 2006
4:42 p.m.
On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 05:43:07PM -0500, Jonathan Dill wrote:
Are you getting explicit REJECT messages from Yahoo! or some other error?
I'm getting 4XX frequently, and occasionally:
7E7E824F81 634 Wed Mar 1 09:03:21 bar@baz.com (host mx3.mail.yahoo.com[] said: 451 VS5-MF Excessive unknown recipients - possible Open Relay http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/spam/spam-18.html (#4.4.5) (in reply to MAIL FROM command)) foo@yahoo.com
What I think this means is that they're noticing that I originate too much email to Yahoo users that don't exist. It comes and goes, which is what you would expect for a real-time check.
(FYI, I'm not an open relay, and I'm not in the RBL's you suggested I check.)
-- greg