The esteemed Mark Sapiro has said:
Jason Luck wrote:
Thanks for the response, unfortunately my limited knowledge on these matters leaves me at a dead end. Not sure how to change any of these items or where to go from here.
You fix it in your sendmail configuration by telling sendmail to listen for port 25 connects from anywhere. I can't tell you how to do that because I don't know.
Perhaps you can read some sendmail documentation or ask on a sendmail list.
I'll chime in with some quick observations (I run sendmail 8.13.8 on Solaris 9).
The two first places I'd look are:
The tcp-ip services file (/etc/inet/services on Solaris) needs a line that says: smtp 25/tcp mail
There needs to be a sendmail -bd daemon running. That is the one that listens for incoming smtp.
I don't see anything specific to port 25 in the .cf files.
I would also check any router/firewall between your sendmail client machine to make sure that incoming port 25 traffic is not being blocked; also any ipfilter setup.