I'm having a hard time finding the release notes for 2.1.11 - can you please provide a link? (I want to see where it details any memory leak fixes since 2.1.9)
On 7/1/08 10:09 AM, "Vidiot" <brown@mrvideo.vidiot.com> wrote:
Solaris 10 x86 Python 2.5.2 Mailman 2.1.9 (8 Incoming queue runners - the leak rate increases with this) SpamAssassin 3.2.5
At this point I am looking for ways to isolate the suspected memory leak - I am looking at using dtrace: http://blogs.sun.com/sanjeevb/date/200506
Any other tips appreciated!
I'd start by installing 2.1.11, which was just released yesterday.
-- Fletcher Cocquyt Senior Systems Administrator Information Resources and Technology (IRT) Stanford University School of Medicine
Email: fcocquyt@stanford.edu Phone: (650) 724-7485