On 17 September 2018 at 08:48, Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> wrote:
Or, if you have a personalized unsubscribe link in a list footer like this list does, the list member replied to or forwarded a list post without removing the quoted footer and a recipient clicked it maliciously, inadvertently or thinking she was unsubscribing herself.
No, it's not customised. I feel they must have followed the generic link and entered someone else's address. It might have been some kind of accident, but it coincides with a period where one member might well have wanted this particular address off the list. Only one unsubscription attempt was reported by members, but I'd like to check if there were more that were ignored.
You could analyze your web server logs looking for POSTs to the list's options page, however that won't show you the POST data so won't be too useful.
So that would let us see which ip address submitted the form, but not what was on the form? As you can see, I still haven't got around to finding out how to access the logs, and probably won't!
Alternatively, you could modify the ConfirmUnsubscription method in Mailman/MailList.py to log the event in addition to sending the confirmation email, or perhaps more simply, change the lines
We don't have that kind of access.