On 12/8/10 2:01 PM, JRC Groups at joemailgroups@gmail.com wrote:
Is there a simpler way than Terminal (command line) to edit these files and then resave them ? Something along the lines of a text editor. Or do I need to use Terminal to do it ?
In this case, if Terminal is necessary, can you guide on how to take a step by step approach to getting it done ? I have never edited a file (specially a system file) in Terminal before and don't know how to go about it.
This is somewhat off-topic for the Mailman list but if you want to do any sort of advanced system administration on a Macintosh, you need, IMHO, to be familiar with Unix shell commands and related utility. The Mac OS X Terminal program just creates a shell process and window where you then execute shell commands.
At a minimum, you need to be familiar with certain basic commands like ls (directory) and commands for creating (touch among others), renaming/MoVing (mv), and deleting/ReMoving (rm) files and directories (mkdir, mv, and rmdir respectively). You also need to be familiar with one of the standard text editors (vi or emacs) as well as commands for dealing with file ownership (chown) and permissions (chmod).
-- Larry Stone lstone19@stonejongleux.com http://www.stonejongleux.com/