Hello Mailman Users,
Systers has developed the ability for a user to subscribe and unsubscribe from threads via Dynamic Sub-Lists. We've have gsoc students working on bug-fixes and improvements the last two years and we'd really like to make the feature available to the larger community running 2.1.x.
Right now it's a code branch on http://launchpad.net/systers that we use to update our production server via bzr.
We've only tested against 2.1.10.
Should we make a down-loadable .tgz of the source code? Or is it better offered as a patch to be applied against GNU MM 2.1.10? What is the easiest delivery method for those of you who might want to take a look at the functionality?
You can read more here: http://systers.org/systers-dev/doku.php/good_to_know and some additional information about our changes at the bottom of this page: http://systers.org/systers-dev/doku.php/how_stuff_works_both_default_mailman... .
Thanks, Jen