[I do not plan to answer mails on this thread]
On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 11:22:26AM +0200, Norbert Bollow wrote:
Sandra Maynard <smaynard@agric.uwa.edu.au> wrote:
dear Mailman, I currently use your Mailman software at work , through my univesity system, and a fabulous system it is indeed. Do you have any equivalent software that would work on the web, but not using the linux operating system?
To be quite accurate, "Linux" is the name of a kernel which is an important part of the operating system; the whole system should properly be called GNU/Linux.
Please don't start this advocaty here because I will tell you what I think of Stallman, his pig-headedness, and his ridiculous attempts at begging for credit left and right. RMS does deserve lots of credit, but begging for it, especially in cases where it's questionable is very lame and completely discredits him.
Barry has made the choice to call the project he maintains "Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager" That's his right, it's his software
Linus calls his project Linux, and so do I. Debian has decided to call their distribution, GNU/Linux, they can do that. I've also decided that RMS has annoyed me enough that I did a s#GNU/Linux#Linux# all over my debian systems, and I can do that too.
The short version is: spare us the advocacy here, because I (and others) can give you counterpoints for each of your points, and it's completely off topic for this list.
The main point about GNU has always been to create a complete operating system which is completely Free Software, for details please refer to http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-history.html
And you also know that linux wasn't meant to be part of the GNU system (and still isn't if you ask Linus), and that RMS only started cligging to it when the hurd kernel project didn't really go anywhere, but you knew that. Incidently, the Revolution OS movie gives a good neutral point of view of this, and lets people decide for themselves.
Microsoft is to operating systems & security .... .... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
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