Mark Sapiro ha scritto:
It's Mailman patch 1123383 at <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1123383&group_id=103&atid=300103>.
It's also referenced in the FAQ at <http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq01.030.htp>.
And, since 2.1.7 it is in the contrib directory in the distribution, although the one on Sourceforge is more up to date than the 2.1.7 distribution.
Hello, thanks a lot for you answer. I downloaded the script and, after a few modification for customisation reason, it runs very well. But now I have a problem: I found out that my mailman post log is stop to the begin of february and I don't know why. The other log files (smtp, smtp-failure, ubscribe, vette, ......) are correctly updated to today. What could be happen? For sure I wrong somethig, but I can not understand what! :-(
Thanks a lot in advance for you kind answer. Roger