From Mailman 2 I am used to various administrative emails having web links in them for ease of use. For example, when confirming your subscription to a list I am used to the confirmation email having both an embedded code for replying back and also a link to the web interface for confirming by web.
On a new install of mailman3-full on Debian 11 I am not seeing any web links, only text regarding replying by email, how to change options by email, etc.
Am I right in thinking that this is intentional, it is not some simple thing that I missed or forgotten to enable? I'm assuming because mailman3 can function without any web interface so it was considered that adding links to Postorious by default would not be the correct thing to do?
If that is the case, is the correct way to achieve what I want to add a bunch of custom templates? It seems like it might be a common desire, so have anyone done this already? I searched around but I've found it difficult to come up with good search terms for this.
Thanks, Andy