i did not know the different between mail and sendmail
i actually use mail , not sendmail, sorry
for example
echo "please dont reply this email" | mail -v -s 'this is a test mail' -r mailman@maillist.com mailman@maillist.com
On 12/27/2015 11:52 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
my issue is when i send a email by using sendmail commandline to mailist , maillist services can not read this message correctly , the message will become a "Message has implicit destination" warning , but it did have a subject and i pretty sure that i have a subject and i did not use cc or bcc .
The message file that you sent did not contain a To: header with the list address.
The sendmail command, unlike the mail command, does not add headers to the input and your message must have a To: header with the list address in order to not be flagged for implicit destination.
In other words if you are sending the message with some command like
sendmail -r you@example.com list@example.com < input_file
the file input_file must contain things like
To: list@example.com From: you@example.com Subject: The message subject
The body of the message
The sending MTA will probably add headers like Message-ID: and Date:, but it won't add To: which is your issue.
If you want to use a command line command that will add header like To: and Subject: use the mail command, not the sendmail command.