Hi there,
I'm a new user of Mailman, and a new subscriber to this list.
I want to set up Mailman in a load-balanced fashion on two servers running within an LVS (linux virtual server) cluster. I want the two servers to act as the same Mailman instance. The two servers will mount an NFS shared directory from a third server, and the NFS mount will, I guess, contain the shared Mailman stuff. I've found a few things on the web about load-balancing Mailman, but not much.
The following directories exist in $prefix/mailman: archives * bin cgi-bin cron data * icons lists * locks * logs mail Mailman * messages pythonlib qfiles scripts spam templates tests
Can anybody suggest which of these directories should be NFS shared between the two servers? To me, it looks like good candidates would be those that I have marked with an * ...
Further, is anyone running Mailman in a load-balanced fashion like this? Any hints/tricks/tips?
Thanks in advance, Guy.