On 12/13/23 01:04, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Jim Dory writes:
I've started getting these spamming attacks again so thought I would dive into trying this recaptcha. I got the keys for V2 recaptcha from google and put the 2 lines at the bottom of the mm_cfg.py with proper keys from google. Spelling double checked. After saving the file, I can't log into the web interface of mailman - I get a Bad Request error page. I commented out the RECAPTCHA_*_* lines and could then access the admin web pages again.
There's a lot missing here.
- What version of what operating system are you using? Ubuntu and Debian are likely to require some hoop-jumping to get the needed software installed.
- What version of Python are you using?
- What version of Mailman are you using? If it's recent enough, the listinfo.* pages will include a tag "<mm-recaptcha-ui>" which does all the heavy lifting for you.
- How did you install Mailman? Preinstalled on a cPanel host, from the OS, from source in a virtual environment, other from source?
web admin pages. What would I add and to which files? I don't see list_info under /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/Mailman/ .
find /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman -name 'listinfo.*'
and you should see a bunch of them. Most likely you are only interested in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/templates/en/listinfo.html and maybe the .txt version of that file if it exists, but if you offer other languages to your users, you may need to deal with the $TWO_LETTER_LANGUAGE_CODE/listinfo.* versions for those languages.
Thank you Stephen. Apologies for being vague.
I did find the listinfo.html file yesterday - I hadn't ever altered that particular file directly.
- CentOS v7.9.2009 STANDARD kvm, cPanel Version 110.0.17. I need to upgrade the OS AlmaLinux 8 by this summer. as CentOS (and the cPanel version) is deprecated. Would do it now but afraid of mucking things up. I'm just a volunteer and do this for the community - not an expert by any means.
2, Python 2.7.5
Mailman 2.1.39
Mailman installed by host. I'm on a vps with root access.
As for listinfo.html, I see 2 pertinent files. on under ../en/templates (this list is just english) and under ../lists/[name of our list]/ . The templates version includes a few lines of captcha which the lists version doesn't. Here's a snippet of the templates version:
[snip] </td> <td><MM-Undigest-Radio-Button> No <MM-Digest-Radio-Button> Yes </TD> </tr> <mm-digest-question-end> <mm-recaptcha-ui> <mm-captcha-ui> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <center><MM-Subscribe-Button></center> </td> </tr> </TABLE> <MM-Form-End> </ul>