sorry, forgot to answer this...sendmail is runnign standalone. i get too much mail traffic to use inetd.
--On Friday, April 28, 2000 3:47 PM -0400 Paul Tomblin <ptomblin@xcski.com> wrote:
Quoting J C Lawrence (claw@cp.net):
Is your MTA running as a daemon or thru inetd? (should be runnign thru inetd for minimal startup time)
Almost certainly *not*. If you run it through inet, it has to start up and parse its configuration files every single time it recieves an email. If runing as a daemon, it's got the config files parsed already before the mail even hits it.
-- Paul Tomblin <ptomblin@xcski.com>, not speaking for anybody "The Americans have said ``Ni'' and they want their shubbery" - Harry Teasley predicts a Bush victory, 8Mar2000
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