On Fri, 19 Nov 2010 07:24:45 -0800 Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> wrote:
What you have done works OK, but it is subject to unauthorized posts from someone spoofing your address which will be well known if your list is not anonymous.
It is anonymous, but it is not too many steps from someone making the connection, and since I am promising users no spam: thanks much for that point!
A more secure way to post is to not put your
address in accept_these_nonmembers, and post with an Approved: <password> header. See the "How to post to the announcement list" section at <http://wiki.list.org/x/3YA9>.
Thanks again. Since I am lazy and the list will be very seldom used anyway, I think I will just delete my address from accept_these_nonmembers except temporarily when there needs to be an announcement. But it is nice to at least know about "the right way".
-- "The angel of history[...]is turned toward the past." (Walter Benjamin)