At 1:41 AM +0900 on 8/14/09, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
This can be done by setting up aliases as follows (pseudo-syntax, your mileage will vary):
foo-list: moderator@example.com foo-list-moderated: | mailman post foo-list
That requires modifying the mailman aliases in the MTA manually, though.
This went over my head. What does "MTA manually" mean? Does that mean it cannot be done with the web interface? Do I need to contact my ISP, or is there something I can do using my shell account access?
Working with the mail transfer agent (MTA == Postfix IIRC) cannot be done through Mailman's web interface. [If you have something like cPanel it might be possible.] To change aliases in the MTA you would need not just shell access, but root access. You may need help from your ISP in that case.
It does sound like something requiring my ISP involvement. I'm sure they won't mind if it's a one-time setup and they understand what I'm requesting. The thing is that I don't really understand what I'd be requesting, or why.
foo-list is the name of my mailing list, and moderator@example.com would be the moderator's email (aka, my email address). I'm asking them to create an alias for the list name? Or should that be the full list email address (e.g., foo-list@lists.sonic.net) ?
What is "foo-list-moderated"? I'm guessing "| mailman post foo-list" is some command line syntax that any server running Mailman would understand. I can pretend to understand that (since my ISP tech support will probably understand it).
This suggestion was in response to my leading paragraph, not any of my 4 issues,so I'm not really sure what this buys if I were to get my ISP to do it. Was this a suggestion for how to do the redirection? (in which case, I'm already good, as I already use my email client for redirection)
It seems that if you change the reply-to to an explicit address, that both digest and non-digest members should have the same reply-to.
Sounds plausible but these things are complex. As I say, somebody more familiar with the detail needs to answer this one.
Maybe there was an assumption made that people generally don't click reply to a digest (since the subject would be wrong, and the quoted text would be excessive). It does happen. For some, it's easier to click reply and change the subject and then trim the quoted text (there are a few times when they forget to do the subject change and/or trimming, but those would be rejected anyway).
All of these approaches suffer from the possibility that your moderation password could theoretically be "sniffed" on the net unless your moderator uses an encrypted channel to send mail to the list host. The "Moderator is Enveloper Sender" approach is also vulnerable, since it is easy (if you have the right tools such as a Linux workstation, or certain "unofficial" MUAs) to spoof the envelope sender. I don't want to alarm you, just to give you some information you need to compare these approaches.
I tried this once, and I felt really really uncomfortable with it. I kept looking at the To: to make sure I wasn't sending it to someone. The admin email says to click reply, but when I click reply, it addresses it to the list owner (e.g., foo-list-owner@lists.sonic.net), so it just comes back to me. I'm not sure where it was supposed to go, but I'm also not sure I would feel comfortable with this method anyway. I can picture me doing this some night when I'm running on 2 brain cells, and sending the list password to some random email.
- Lastly, the web archives created by Autoshare automatically created clickable HTML links for all HTML URL's in posts.
I don't think Pipermail (the default archiver bundled with Mailman) can do it at all,
Interestingly, the archives for *this* mailing list appears to have some decent formatted archives. Does this list use MHonArc?
Apparently I was totally wrong. I thought Pipermail only did that for its own links (next message, etc), but it does seem to do it for all URLs. In particular, this list does use pipermail.
Okay, this is bizarre. I just went to our web archives, and they now have the formatted "previous" and "next" links, as well as HTML links within the body. I swear the other day I was staring at plain text. The footer has changed to "This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition)." I looked at the footer before, and it was completely different (no mention of Pipermail).
[looks again]
Okay, I think I know what happened. I clicked on the "Gzip'd Text" link, and when you do that, it shows the archives in plain text. It seems kind of obvious now. I guess that was one of those nights I was running on minimum brain cells.