Hi, I dont write so much english but I
ll try.
I have a PC with debian sarge, I installed apache2,
postfix, postfix work fine, It send and receive mail
from and since anywhere such as hotmail, yahoo,
localhost. But the problems is with mailman, I
installed mailman and run dpkg-reconfigure mailman,
and this tolk me than I have to create a newlist with
newlist mailman, and then I had to write somes lines
to the /etc/aliases, I did that, and I can see the web
with http://mydomain/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo, i can
create new list but when I create this, dont send a mail to the admin of the list. and i can subscribe with my name, mail, password but when a click on Accept, don
t send me any mail.
Need I run a script o sometime like that to work mailman with with postfix or by default it work?
The problem, i think: mailman don`t comunicate with postfix to send mail because I saw the mail.log when I subscribed and there ins´t any mail to the user, and the admin neither.
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