Den 31. mars 2017 22:41, skrev Mark Sapiro:
On 03/31/2017 12:12 PM, Håkon Alstadheim via Mailman-Users wrote:
Sure, daily summary should be fine, but on a bad day these non-deliverable admin-emails will add up, and postfix keeps trying to deliver them. So my logs show quite a few failed delivery attempts. Queue of undeliverable mail grows. Neat-freak in me gets very jumpy.
Like I say elsewhere, slight mis-reporting on my part, it's my "smart-host" up-stream out-going smtp that is rejecting the mail w
spam-attachments.The "smart host" doesn't seem very smart if it is rejecting spam mail with a 4xx (retryable) and not a 5xx (failure) status.
Partly my fault I suppose, I've got various settings tuned to avoid losing mail during testing of my new mail-setup. This whole exercise started because I have switched from dSpam to rspamd for spam-prevention. I had a whole forest of postfix-instances to fine tune things so spam-filtering was done before alias-expansion and after spf/dkim checks. Lots of other tweaks. I did have a working web-based quarantine though. Presently doing major demolition and converting to rmilter/rspamd, without quarantine. This means mailman gets to do the quarantine duty for spam to my lists.
I'm confident that the end-result will be less spaghetti-like, but I'm not there yet :-) . Also my rspamd is not fully trained and tested.
Another thought is just turn off admin_immed_notify, but of course that will also turn off notices for mail that might not be spam.
Done that, seems it did not "take" immediately. Spam flood has abated now, hopefully a few days to the next storm, by which time things will be in better shape.