On 2/21/08, Dov Zamir wrote:
SPF DNS records are now mandatory. Hotmail announced that they would not receive any mail from a source with no SPF record from the first day it became mandatory a couple of years ago, but did not actually carry out the threat at that time, however, it seems that they may now be implementing this. An SPF record supposedly reduces spammers ability to spoof your domain.
SPF is fundamentally broken, in many ways. It was so in 2004, and it is still so today.
See <http://bradknowles.typepad.com/considered_harmful/2004/05/spf.html>.
Besides, Windows Live insists on SenderID, not SPF. You should do your homework.
Either way, if Windows Live Hotmail wants to isolate themselves from the rest of the world as a result of a technology like this, then they will get what they deserve.
-- Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org> LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>