Sapiro, Mark wrote:
Then again, how did the post reach the list in the first place.
Non-member posts are discarded and you said the list is moderated which I think means that member posts are held for moderation, so how does a spam post get to the list?
Does the list have some unmoderated members? If so, if a post contains one of these member addresses in any of a From:, Reply-To: or Sender: header or as the envelope sender, the post may be accepted (see the documentation for SENDER_HEADERS in Defaults.py).
Not that I am aware of that setting or subscriber (over 2000) for that particular list. I saw email messages sent in the POSTFIX maillog to the individual from the spamfilter (spamassasin) that was installed to work with Postfix. Trying to work backwards, I have removed Spamassassin from Postfix and restarted. While not sure and do not have any proof, I wanted to eliminate this as a potential cause.
One question: is there a report or command that I can run to see how many members where unsubscribed from any list on our Mailman service for a period of time. My reason is if this individual was unsubscribed, I am not sure how many other subscribers may have been lost. Therefore, I would like to reinstate all subscribers lost over the past two week period.
Thank you, Rose