24 May
24 May
12:51 a.m.
Brad Knowles wrote:
At 2:13 PM -0300 2004/05/23, Gerardo Ardiles wrote:
My previous install was made with mailman-2.1.2-2.7.2.i386.rpm Could you or anyone there tell me how to determine the "configure options" of this program .rpm?
Quoting from my previous answer, dated Sat, 22 May 2004 02:24:40 +0200:
If it was installed from a package created by someone else, then you need to go back to that person/organization and get information from them as to how to do the upgrade using the tools they supply.
Thanks for your answer but I have a problem.
I have another idea: Is it possible to install a new mailman 2.1.5 and then copy my old config and data files (2.1.2) to that directories?
Thanks in advance,