Once upon a time (Fri Nov 30), Shaun Erickson wrote:
Dan Mick wrote:
Didn't even bother to look at bin/withlist, did you?
There's a huge example right at the beginning of the script.
Actually, I did look at it, and perhaps I'm clueless, but it made no sense to me, not knowing perl or python, so I asked for help. Thanks for your input.
It doesn't appear that this has been answered. Here you go:
% su
% cd <mailman installation dir>
% python -i bin/withlist -l mylist
>>> m.admin_member_chunksize = 100
>>> m.Save()
>>> <press Ctrl-D to exit>
% exit
You are simply modifying the values in the object representing your list. To find out what values you can change, what functions there are, et cetera, look in Mailman/MailList.py.
I tried adding this to the FAQ, but it apparently requires a password which you get by joining some other web page: 'At the moment, only PSA members will be told the password. This is a good time to join the PSA! See the PSA home page.' The provided link goes somewhere that doesn't mention anything about joining/subscribing, too busy to look further.
Lawrence Weeks "Audaces fortuna juvat." dev@anabasis.net