21 Jun
21 Jun
5:35 p.m.
Jun 21 11:51:46 1999 TrySMTPDelivery: Mailman.pythonlib.smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused / hallewel lt@scotty.rfa.org: <hallewellt@rfa.org>... Relaying denied; etc; etc; etc; (dequeued)
How do I set up my fancy new redhat server to relay mail within my domain? Is this documented anywhere so I can stop bothering you nice people about sendmail problems?
Add the IP range that you want to allow to /etc/mail/access in the form of RELAY
So if you wanted to allow all of, you would add
207.123.167 RELAY
Once you've made the changes, do
cd /etc/mail makemap hash access < access
You can probably find most sendmail answers at on the comp.mail.sendmail newsgroup.