On Sun, 18 May 2003 23:36:14 +0200, you wrote:
Maybe you should start reading up on how email works in general before you mess with mailinglist software ?
had to calm down. my point is this. Yahoogroups, in case you live in outer Botswana, is about to start charging for their email lists. When that happens, and I am sort of the front of the wave if not even further back than that, there are going to be literally tens of thousands of list owners looking for a perfectly simple and yahoo like mail program which does not require learning all about MTAs and other, ancillary programs which should be in the main software already - so as to be able to take their lists to a webhost and move on without the charges which are going to otherwise have to be passed on to the listmembers. I have a dozen elists. I have been running lists since back when they were BBS and fidonet. I go WAY back to the beginning of pc's and like that. I am unable to learn programming because since I started taking morphine for my Agent Orange caused tumors, I have lost the ability to do the sysanalyst and db SQL writing I used to do. I am looking for a knock off of Yahoo or Egroups or Onelist's software so that I can move my lists to my piece of the inet. If I cannot expect to find help on this list or any other which mailman is "supported" by, then I would be best served by going with a piece of crap like the old standbys of ListServ and so on. gag! that is enuff Again, I just hope you are not the voice of this list. Further, where is a url in the message footer showing where to go to access the archives?
fwiw chas